Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What happened with the connection?

Dream big.....the sky is the not doubt..believe in yourself....these are only a few of the cliches I would hear from my parents, my family and my teachers.
I did it all, and it worked very well until one day...... the magic disappeared. Where did I become disconnected? What happened?
I want to share my voyage of reconnecting and realigning with my essence, my Divinity.
Let's start with a memory from a Christmas season. 
As a family, we all helped dad decorate the tree.  The magical question when the lights didn't light, after having untangled the entire apparatus, was..."Is it plugged in?" and if the answer was no, well let us plug it in. If the answer was a yes, ..then, we must look one by one at each bulb to discover which had burned out or was loose and would not allow the current flow through for all to come to life with light.

This is how I see our connection with our Higher Power or with your internal master...or with the energy that feeds you at every level: like a Christmas light display.  This is our reality, the energy source is always there also, we only have to tap into the source and taraaaa......light is created.  This is where my quest begins.....I am partially connected and it is only a matter of tightening one of my bulbs to be fully vested, 100% anew, or I can choose to be totally disconnected.

How do I know?  Whom can I ask?  For years, I searched for people, meditations, courses, but I could not find my answers....Now I know with a strong conviction that I had no clue what I was searching for.  Well let me see, I will expand...I knew I wanted a magical existence, filled with love, money, laughter, travel and magnificent people at every turn. What I did not know was what questions to ask to gain the answers I wanted or whom to ask to obtain the adequate guidance. I searched outside of myself frequently, and I would hear that the answers were within...Ok!  Then I would question myself during my meditations, but all I found was more frustration when the result was null.  I quit for a short stint, and things got ugly; I started creating things in my life that were frankly unpleasant. 

 Today I am aware that these were created by me.  By now my questions and resentments were aimed towards God..What is going on and why is it happening to me?   AHHHH!.. frustration invaded me for a prolonged period.  Nevertheless I never gave up totally.  I never truly threw away my dreams.  It was like something kept on urging me to continue my search...
Have you had a similar experience? Have you had the same or similar questions?
Re-connection and Realignment is the Key.....follow me and travel with me on this journey of Realignment with your being, with your Divinity...with your SOUL!!

I bless and honor your gifts and all your human experience!
Bendigo y honro tus dones y tu experiencia humana!

Angela María Saldarriaga Arvizo.
Akashic Records Healing Readings
Soul Realignment Practitioner/Profesional en la Realineación del alma
Certified Spiritual and Life Coach/Coach Espiritual y de Vida Certificada
Bilingual Services/Servicio Bilingüe

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